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Switzerland's jobs market is constantly moving, and we have the inside knowledge. We don’t just help you keep up – we make sure you stay one step ahead with Switzerland's most comprehensive, data-led salary benchmarking tool.
Our salary guide Switzerland is your definitive guide to what’s happening in your industry, and where it’s heading next. We provide the facts and analyses to take bold decisions, fine tune the next steps in your career search and outsmart your competition when it comes to talent attraction and retention.
From our offices in Geneva and Zürich, we offer salary and market insights for permanent and interim positions across a variety of disciplines.
Informed by real-world market data, analysis and insights, our Salary Survey leaves no stone unturned to reveal your industry’s:
We put the power in your hands with tools to drill down on the sectors, roles and stats that matter to you. Whether you’re seeking global perspectives, national knowledge, or local intel – you’ll find it in our Salary Survey.
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Key trends, opportunities and challenges in Switzerland’s 2025 job market
Swiss employers are optimistic about the future, with 76% planning to recruit in 2025 and 74% intending to offer salary increases. Employee confidence remains strong, with many feeling positive about job prospects in their field. However, 65% of Swiss professionals are considering a job change in 2025, primarily driven by salary expectations, better work-life balance, and more effective leadership. While one in three are satisfied with their current pay, 73% hope to receive a raise in 2025.
In 2025, organisations must focus on talent development and upskilling to ensure teams remain adaptable amidst rapid technological changes. Managing a multi-generational workforce and prioritising mental health and well-being will also be crucial. While some global companies are reducing remote work, 77% of Swiss employers have no plans to cut back on home working days.
Artificial Intelligence will play a significant role in shaping the 2025 job market. While automation will handle routine tasks, it will not replace human expertise. Instead, AI will complement professionals' skills, enhancing efficiency and accuracy across industries. This shift will allow employees to focus on more strategic decision-making, complex problem-solving, and advisory roles, increasing their value in the workplace.
Hiring Manager? Benchmark your teams' salaries
If you’re growing your team or simply need to retain the talent you have, the Salary Survey gives you the insights you need to have the right team in place to keep your business moving forward.
Professional? Find out your salary with an individual salary guide
Whether you’re looking for a new role or preparing for your end-of-year appraisal, the Salary Survey will provide everything you need to know to get what you deserve.
Using a combination of our own data, publicly available insights and our recruitment experts, we build bespoke overviews of the salaries and benefits required to attract talent.