The Movember Foundation is the only charity tackling men's health on a global scale, year round. They have one goal: to stop men dying too young.
The state of men’s health is in crisis. Men experience worse longer-term health than women and die on average six years earlier. Prostate cancer rates will double in the next 15 years. Testicular cancer rates have already doubled in the last 50. Three quarters of suicides are men. Poor mental health leads to half a million men taking their own life every year. That’s one every minute.
Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends are facing this health crisis and it’s not being talked about. We can’t afford to stay silent.
Join the movement by donating and let it grow.
Robert Walters is one of the world’s leading global recruitment consultancies, specialising in the placement of permanent, contract and temporary positions across all levels of seniority. Our teams of professional consultants are renowned for their professionalism, integrity and exceptional recruitment consultancy services. Using a flexible approach to recruitment, we are committed to matching client needs to candidate aspirations to create mutual benefit for both. Across Australia and New Zealand we have offices in Adelaide, Auckland, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and Wellington.
Contact Sarah Nash from PR Ink
M.021 400 458
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